Candy Race has been knocked out and captured by the Villain Network so that they might use her for their number 2 show ‘Wheel of Enemies’. Beyond mere entertainment, it is a good opportunity to test Candy’s equalising power. Just how strong is it?
When the wheel spins it lands on the furious Commander Curse, a hellish opponent for any superheroine. Curse revels in dishing pain to heroines and Candy looks a delicious treat. Candy cannot hope to match his strength, or his invulnerability, and certainly not his rage. Can she?
Member Gift:
To go alongside ‘Wheel of Enemies 2’ starring Candy Race any member who purchases within 48 hours of receiving the member email will also get unseen and extended video from ‘Corruption Part 1’, where Virtue met the Dominator. If you wait longer than 48 hours this extra video will be crushed into a tiny cube.
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