Metro-Girl is an outcast and borderline fugitive from the Federation after Cusack and Falcone worked together to frame her. This does not mean she will no longer fight for justice. Generation Z (now renaming themselves ‘New Power Generation’) prey on her goodwill by having her attend an emergency only she knows about. Instead of being what she expected, she must take on Z43, newly empowered with lightning and electricity.
She has not only been selected because of her isolation, but also to test his new might against her power-suit. If Z43 can destroy the suit, then he could in theory threaten any heroine in the Federation. Can Metro-Girl defend against this new threat? Or become a mind slave of the ‘New Power Generation’?
Member Gift: Marvelette
If you purchase ‘New Power Generation’ within 48 hours of receiving the member email, you’ll also get unseen takes from ‘Marvelette & The Mob’ which was Marvelette’s debut fight. If you want this then simply get ‘New Power Generation’ within 48 hours of this email being sent out. We are also releasing a 70 HQ Photo Set of Metro-Girl to go with the video.
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